Wuchang Dao

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Status: Ongoing   Wuchang Dao 7 is coming next...

Rank:11558, it has 23 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 无常道;Judgement Road

Genre(s): Fantasy , Shounen


Sharing the same body in the Mortal World, having to rely on human skin disguise to get by after losing the Invisibility Jade charm... They are the Messengers of Death, the smiley giant moth Bai Wuchang who is cunning as a fox, and the fiery-temper Hei Wuchang who is an expert in... More

Sharing the same body in the Mortal World, having to rely on human skin disguise to get by after losing the Invisibility Jade charm... They are the Me

Wuchang Dao Chapters