The Prince's Cactus

4.67 (Need 5 Votes)

Author(s):Xu Ci


Status: Completed

Rank:5468, it has 11 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 王子的仙人掌

Genre(s): Comedy , Drama , Romance , Shoujo


It’s the 21st century and yet, there’s still someone referred to as a Prince!? Born to a small European country, of a royal mother and a father who is heir to a prosperous European shipping industry and descendant of Queen Victoria, Elian has been groomed to be the crown pri... More

It’s the 21st century and yet, there’s still someone referred to as a Prince!? Born to a small European country, of a royal mother and a father w

The Prince's Cactus Chapters