The Goddess Consort Reigns Supreme

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Author(s):Yuan Man Dongman Yuewen Manhua

Artist(s):Yuan Man Dongman Yuewen Manhua

Status: Ongoing   The Goddess Consort Reigns Supreme 131 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 0 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: Nì Tiān Shénfēi Zhìshàng;逆天神妃至上

Genre(s): Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Historical , Romance


Everything he had was reduced to ash! He was banished from his clan and subjected to the harshest of humiliations! But just as the phoenix is reborn from ash, his life will be born anew and his awakening shall shake the heavens and earth! All shall look up to him once he stands... More

Everything he had was reduced to ash! He was banished from his clan and subjected to the harshest of humiliations! But just as the phoenix is reborn

The Goddess Consort Reigns Supreme Chapters