Tensei Shitara Suterareta ga, Hirowarete Tanoshiku Ikiteimasu

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Author(s):TORO Neko

Artist(s):MITSUNARI Miyako

Status: Ongoing   Tensei Shitara Suterareta ga, Hirowarete Tanoshiku Ikiteimasu 12 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 0 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 転生したら捨てられたが、拾われて楽しく生きています。

Genre(s): Comedy , Fantasy , Josei


Millie is reincarnated as a baby with memories of her previous life.However, at the age of five months, she is abandoned in the cold...! She was picked up by Joe and Marissa who happened to be passing by, and her life was saved, but the life of the common people in another world ... More

Millie is reincarnated as a baby with memories of her previous life.However, at the age of five months, she is abandoned in the cold...! She was picke