Secret Chaser

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Author(s):Tamayo Akiyama

Artist(s):Tamayo Akiyama

Status: Completed

Rank:15836, it has 18 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: N/A

Genre(s): Drama , Mystery , Psychological


Follow the story of Tatsurou Shinozaki, a priest and private investigator who works to solve strange mysteries involving mystical influence. One day a woman comes to his church looking for the mysterious red penguin. She uses a post-hypnotic suggestion on him so that when the phr... More

Follow the story of Tatsurou Shinozaki, a priest and private investigator who works to solve strange mysteries involving mystical influence. One day a

Secret Chaser Chapters