Metal Heart

4.0 (Need 5 Votes)

Author(s):YOON Jae Ho

Artist(s):YOON Jae Ho

Status: Ongoing   Metal Heart 39 is coming next...

Rank:16600, it has 6 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 메탈하트

Genre(s): Comedy , Ecchi , Fantasy , Harem , Sci-fi , Shounen


Meet Min Woo. A normal 18 year-old high school boy. Well...normal except for being a total otaku. He does what every good little otaku boy does. He collects figurines and toys, wins prizes at cosplay contests and is a two-time champion of the fighting game "Metal Heart"... More

Meet Min Woo. A normal 18 year-old high school boy. Well...normal except for being a total otaku. He does what every good little otaku boy does. He co

Metal Heart Chapters