Life, Love

4.75 (Need 5 Votes)

Author(s):NISHIDA Higashi

Artist(s):NISHIDA Higashi

Status: Ongoing   Life, Love 12 is coming next...

Rank:10326, it has 10 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: Life Love

Genre(s): Action , Drama , Yaoi


From Liquid Passion: Takahiro is the adopted son and secretary of an important Japanese politician. Already uneasy about his position in the eyes of his disapproving father, it doesn't help when Takahiro gets himself kidnapped by American gangsters. While his captors wait ... More

From Liquid Passion: Takahiro is the adopted son and secretary of an important Japanese politician. Already uneasy about his position in the eyes o

Life, Love Chapters