Kiwameta Renkinjutsu ni, Fukanou wa nai.

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Author(s):SHINKOU Shotou

Artist(s):AYASE Retsu

Status: Ongoing   Kiwameta Renkinjutsu ni, Fukanou wa nai. 21 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 118 monthly views.

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Alternative Name: Kiwameta Renkinjutsu ni, Fukanou wa nai. - Bannou Skill de Isekai Musou;There's Nothing Impossible With Master Alchemy;極めた錬金術に、不可能はない。 ;極めた錬金術に、不可能はない。 ~万能スキルで異世界無双~

Genre(s): Action , Adventure , Fantasy


“There’s still more to do, that’s why I need more time”. With a strong determination, the old man picked up his Rejuvenation potion. The secret of this particular potion is that it rejuvenates the body while preserving the person’s memory. Essentially the fountain of youth.... More

“There’s still more to do, that’s why I need more time”. With a strong determination, the old man picked up his Rejuvenation potion. The secret o