Jimide medatanai watashi wa, kyo de owari ni shimasu.

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Author(s):OOMORI Mikan

Artist(s):SUMIYOSHI Yukiko

Status: Ongoing   Jimide medatanai watashi wa, kyo de owari ni shimasu. 15 is coming next...

Rank:N/A, it has 17 monthly views.

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  • Cried
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Alternative Name: I'm So Quiet and Inconspicuous;Jimi de Medatanai Watashi wa, Kyou de Owari ni Shimasu;Me Being Plain and Inconspicuous Ends Today;The Plain & Unnoticeable Me Is No More;The Plain and Unnoticeable Me Is No More;地味で目立たない私は、今日で終わりにします。

Genre(s): Fantasy , Josei , Romance


Elaine Lana Norris, who was born at the top of the aristocratic ladder, was suddenly abandoned by her fiance? for another and had her engagement to him broken off.

Elaine Lana Norris, who was born at the top of the aristocratic ladder, was suddenly abandoned by her fiance? for another and had her engagement to hi