I Offer My Neck to You

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Author(s):云中 [Add] 白梦社 [Add]

Artist(s):云中 [Add]

Status: Ongoing   I Offer My Neck to You 94 is coming next...

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: I'll Offer You My Neck;为你献上我的脖颈

Genre(s): Mystery , Supernatural


A half-werewolf, Fang Luoan was five years old when his father was killed, and soon after got adopted by a vampire named Fang Yanchen Now, twelve years later, as Fang Luoan approaches adulthood, his werewolf attributes begins to show their first signs. The uncontrollable emotion... More

A half-werewolf, Fang Luoan was five years old when his father was killed, and soon after got adopted by a vampire named Fang Yanchen Now, twelve year

I Offer My Neck to You Chapters