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Author(s):AJIMINE Sakufu

Artist(s):AJIMINE Sakufu

Status: Completed

Rank:14199, it has 25 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: ebisu - Tamon kun no Nayameru Nichijou

Genre(s): Comedy


From Fushichou: When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shibazaki calls on the roommate Wataru Tamon to take care of master Masachika-sama. It's a burden Tamon did not want, but one that ... More

From Fushichou: When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shiba

Ebisu Chapters