Distance Between Us

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Author(s):Lee Hana

Artist(s):Lee Hana

Status: Ongoing   Distance Between Us 31 is coming next...

Rank:19512, it has 185 monthly views.

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  • LOL
  • Cried
  • Scared
  • Beautiful
  • Awesome

Alternative Name: 너와의 거리

Genre(s): Comedy


“I wanna graduate so I don’t have to see him ever again..”. Under the blue sky, Hyunwoo’s youth spins in a circle. Same class, next seat in the bus, and his bright smile. The smallest things take quite a strain at Hyunwoo’s heart, seeking for jealousy and dictatorship. Wanti... More

“I wanna graduate so I don’t have to see him ever again..”. Under the blue sky, Hyunwoo’s youth spins in a circle. Same class, next seat in the bu